1R7. Understanding Viscoelasticity: Basics of Rheology. - N Phan-Thien (Mech Eng Dept, Natl Univ of Singapore, Singapore, 119260, Singapore). Springer-Verlag, Berlin. 2002. 145 pp. ISBN 3-540-43395-3. $34.95.

Reviewed by YA Rossikhin (Dept of Theor Mech, Voronezh State Univ of Architec and Civil Eng, ul Kirova 3-75, Voronezh, 394018, Russia).

Understanding Viscoelasticity is one of the titles from the Advanced Texts in Physics series, which aims to provide a comprehensive and yet accessible introduction to a field at the forefront of modern research. This book presents an introduction to viscoelasticity with the emphasis on the theories of dilute polymer solutions and melts, and dilute suspensions of rigid particles in viscous and incompressible fluids. The book is based on the set of lectures delivered by the author as a one-semester course in viscoelasticity at the National University of Singapore, and it contains the necessary tools to understand viscoelasticity but does not insist on giving the latest information in the field.

The book involves 8 chapters, list of 52 references, index, one table, and 50 figures, among them 18 figures present photographs of the prominent scientists contributed significantly in the field. From the attached figure captions as well as footnotes, a student can read a brief biographical sketch of the researcher. To the reviewer’s opinion, it is very useful for students to obtain some knowledge in the history of science and particularly in the history on mechanics.

This textbook starts with an introduction to the basic tools from tensor and dyadic analysis to be used thereafter. Non-Newtonian behavior in flows including the elasticity of a liquid and its ability to support large tension in stretching is discussed in Chapter 2. Kinematic properties and the equations of balance are presented in Chapter 3 both for small and finite strains. Basic principles and some classical constitutive equations are reviewed in Chapter 4. The simplest inelastic and linear viscoelastic models are discussed in Chapter 5. In Chapter 6, a special class of flows knows as viscometric flows, which is equivalent to the simple shearing flow, is specified. Chapter 7 concentrates on the constitutive modeling of dilute polymer solution within the microstructure approach. Chapter 8 is devoted to mechanics of suspensions, ie, effective fluids made up of parcels suspended in a liquid. A series of problems for student individual work ends each chapter.

Understanding Viscoelasticity: Basics of Rheology is intended for senior undergraduate and graduate students, who want to find an introduction to viscoelasticity, and thereafter the reviewer can recommend it for purchase by university libraries.