When the coal combustion products are used in soil stabilization and embankments construction, leaching of trace elements into groundwater can be a concern. This paper presents a modeling study to evaluate the impacts of leaching on groundwater from coal combustion products in roadway embankment constructions. A computer program, WiscLEACH, based on three analytical solutions for the advection-dispersion-reaction process in the subsurface was used. The soil stabilization module and embankment module were developed in the program. Predictions made with the analytical method were compared to field data from a fly ash embankment. The predicted concentrations with WiscLEACH are in reasonable agreement with the field data. Dilution factor at the point of compliance was defined and used as quantitative parameter to compare the different scenarios. Parametric studies indicate that the lowest dilution factor exponentially decrease as the thickness of the coal combustion products layer and the seepage velocity in the vadose zone increase. Correlations among the dilution factor at the point of compliance and the construction geometry and hydrogeological condition were also developed.