Vegetable oil is considered as one among the promising alternatives for diesel fuel as it holds properties very close to diesel fuel. However, straight usage of vegetable oil in compression ignition (CI) engine resulted in inferior performance and emission behavior. This can be improved by modifying the straight vegetable oil into its esters, emulsion, and using them as a fuel in CI engine showcased an improved engine behavior. Waste cooking oil (WCO) is one such kind of vegetable oil gained a lot of attraction globally as it is generated in a large quantity locally. The present investigation aims at analyzing various parameters of single cylinder four stroke CI engine fueled with waste cooking oil biodiesel (WCOB), waste cooking oil biodiesel water emulsion (WCOBE) while the engine is operated with a constant speed of 1500 rpm. Furthermore, an attempt is made to study the impact of nanofluids in the behavior of the engine fueled with WCOB blended with nanofluids (WCOBN50). This work also explored a novel method of producing nanofluids using one-step chemical synthesis method. Copper oxide (CuO) nanofluids were prepared by the above mentioned method and blended with waste cooking oil biodiesel (WCOBN50) using ethylene glycol as a suitable emulsifier. Results revealed that brake thermal efficiency (BTE) and brake specific fuel consumption (BSFC) of WCOBN50 are significantly improved when compared to WCOB and WCOBE. Furthermore, a higher reduction in oxides of nitrogen (NOx), carbon monoxide (CO), hydrocarbon (HC), and smoke emissions were observed with WCOBN50 on comparison with all other tested fuels at different power outputs. It is also identified that one-step chemical synthesis method is a promising technique for preparing nanofluids with a high range of stability.
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August 2019
Comprehensive Study on the Effect of CuO Nano Fluids Prepared Using One-Step Chemical Synthesis Method on the Behavior of Waste Cooking Oil Biodiesel in Compression Ignition Engine
Ramanathan Velmurugan,
Ramanathan Velmurugan
Department of Automobile Engineering,
Hindustan Institute of Technology and Science,
Chennai 603103, Tamil Nadu, India
Hindustan Institute of Technology and Science,
Chennai 603103, Tamil Nadu, India
1Corresponding authors.
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Jaikumar Mayakrishnan,
Jaikumar Mayakrishnan
Department of Automobile Engineering,
Hindustan Institute of Technology and Science,
Chennai 603103, Tamil Nadu, India
Hindustan Institute of Technology and Science,
Chennai 603103, Tamil Nadu, India
1Corresponding authors.
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S. Induja,
S. Induja
Department of Chemistry,
Hindustan Institute of Technology and Science,
Chennai 603103, Tamil Nadu, India
Hindustan Institute of Technology and Science,
Chennai 603103, Tamil Nadu, India
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Selvakumar Raja,
Selvakumar Raja
Department of Automobile Engineering,
Hindustan Institute of Technology and Science,
Chennai 603103, Tamil Nadu, India
Hindustan Institute of Technology and Science,
Chennai 603103, Tamil Nadu, India
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Sasikumar Nandagopal,
Sasikumar Nandagopal
Department of Automobile Engineering,
Hindustan Institute of Technology and Science,
Chennai 603103, Tamil Nadu, India
Hindustan Institute of Technology and Science,
Chennai 603103, Tamil Nadu, India
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Ravishankar Sathyamurthy
Ravishankar Sathyamurthy
Department of Automobile Engineering,
Hindustan Institute of Technology and Science,
Chennai 603103, Tamil Nadu, India;
Hindustan Institute of Technology and Science,
Chennai 603103, Tamil Nadu, India;
Mechanical Power Engineering Department,
Faculty of Engineering,
Tanta University,
Tanta 31512, Egypt
Faculty of Engineering,
Tanta University,
Tanta 31512, Egypt
Search for other works by this author on:
Ramanathan Velmurugan
Department of Automobile Engineering,
Hindustan Institute of Technology and Science,
Chennai 603103, Tamil Nadu, India
Hindustan Institute of Technology and Science,
Chennai 603103, Tamil Nadu, India
Jaikumar Mayakrishnan
Department of Automobile Engineering,
Hindustan Institute of Technology and Science,
Chennai 603103, Tamil Nadu, India
Hindustan Institute of Technology and Science,
Chennai 603103, Tamil Nadu, India
S. Induja
Department of Chemistry,
Hindustan Institute of Technology and Science,
Chennai 603103, Tamil Nadu, India
Hindustan Institute of Technology and Science,
Chennai 603103, Tamil Nadu, India
Selvakumar Raja
Department of Automobile Engineering,
Hindustan Institute of Technology and Science,
Chennai 603103, Tamil Nadu, India
Hindustan Institute of Technology and Science,
Chennai 603103, Tamil Nadu, India
Sasikumar Nandagopal
Department of Automobile Engineering,
Hindustan Institute of Technology and Science,
Chennai 603103, Tamil Nadu, India
Hindustan Institute of Technology and Science,
Chennai 603103, Tamil Nadu, India
Ravishankar Sathyamurthy
Department of Automobile Engineering,
Hindustan Institute of Technology and Science,
Chennai 603103, Tamil Nadu, India;
Hindustan Institute of Technology and Science,
Chennai 603103, Tamil Nadu, India;
Mechanical Power Engineering Department,
Faculty of Engineering,
Tanta University,
Tanta 31512, Egypt
Faculty of Engineering,
Tanta University,
Tanta 31512, Egypt
1Corresponding authors.
Contributed by the Heat Transfer Division of ASME for publication in the JOURNAL OF THERMAL SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING APPLICATIONS. Manuscript received October 2, 2018; final manuscript received October 20, 2018; published online March 25, 2019. Assoc. Editor: Matthew Oehlschlaeger.
J. Thermal Sci. Eng. Appl. Aug 2019, 11(4): 041003 (9 pages)
Published Online: March 25, 2019
Article history
October 2, 2018
October 20, 2018
Velmurugan, R., Mayakrishnan, J., Induja, S., Raja, S., Nandagopal, S., and Sathyamurthy, R. (March 25, 2019). "Comprehensive Study on the Effect of CuO Nano Fluids Prepared Using One-Step Chemical Synthesis Method on the Behavior of Waste Cooking Oil Biodiesel in Compression Ignition Engine." ASME. J. Thermal Sci. Eng. Appl. August 2019; 11(4): 041003.
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